Career Development

Muhammad Abdal Mahmood
5 min readOct 17, 2020


Mega Project Blog 2, Amal Batch 161

Amal Academy gave us an opportunity to prove Amal principles, and other concepts that they have taught us during the three months of fellowship training. To complete this task, we are assigned to choose a social cause that we can support (education, health, animal rights, environment, etc.).

“Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey.” ― Roy T. Bennett

We decided to become the hope for the students and wanted to give them the gift of awareness in their fields through career counseling. After all efforts, the main hurdle was to deliver the best guidance to the individuals.

Career development is a lifelong process that, whether you know it or not, actually started when one individual is born. Several factors influence your career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. The main aim of Career Counseling is to help students choose a field that is in tune with their skills and job expectations. Thus, with the help of career counseling, most candidates end up choosing the right career and perform at their level best, which ultimately helps them succeed. That’s why we have contrived a startup plan that focuses on the counseling of emerging pupils named “Jobs Spotify”. Our mission is to critically analyze the personality of an individual to provide him/her guidance and reliable support, accordingly, in the right direction to spearhead their career towards the bull’s eye.

“It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” — Carlton Fisk

After identifying the issue related to the career counseling in Pakistan, we, the team members of Amal Circle 4 from Batch 161 of Amal Academy, started to work according to the timeline, which we proposed in our Blog 1. We were able to meet the deadlines and have achieved most of them just by following the principle of Ek Aur Ek Gyarah.

Effectiveness comes from those qualitative things that give you the ability to network, communicate, and lead people toward an outcome they can’t see.

Challenges We Faced

To achieve our goal, we need a trained career counselor to aid them with their career choice. The trainer will guide them according to their abilities, strengths, and knowledge. It helps them to visualize their goal. Whether the person is new to the professional field or desires to change the profession, the career counselor will be able to guide them in the best possible direction. Finding a career counselor also a challenge for us.

The second challenge for us to collect the right information which we can deliver through our social media regarding jobs, scholarship, etc.

Another challenge for us to gain a larger audience for our sessions and pages. Publicizing a page in the initial stages is never been so easy. People, today, are fed up with fake platforms and online fraud and It’s not an easy task to convince people about the purity of your project and that how concerned you are about solving their problems.

The Goals We Able To Meet

We are able to achieve 75% of our goals right now and try our best to do achieve maximum. Our goal is to provide information regarding new jobs and scholarships. The next goal is about choosing the right career for which we contact to different career counselors and conduct online sessions. With the help of HR professionals, we conduct an online session for the development of a resume, cover letter, and interview skills.

Outcomes So Far

The audience got engaged with our page and asked the questions they have in their minds to clarify their points related to jobs and career development. Helped people to gather at one specific place where they can find any type of job and career-related opportunities. We create a 1–1 session with career counselors to overcome their confusion. Help them to find the right path to be followed and to know about opportunities they can avail of. Career counseling also acts as a motivation factor.


Jobs Spotify reached 2,222 people through Facebook and 79 followed jobs Spotify on Instagram account. People engaged 516 times in our posts on Facebook, 18 people filled Job Spotify post-session feedback forms. Jobs Spotify had conducted two sessions up till now and their combined reach is 1800 people, 48 shares, and has 204 engagements.

Yes, impacts will change their approach towards their future.


We will continue with this project in the future also. We are actively posting job advertisements, scholarship information & professional skills development. We also plan to conduct an online 1–1 session of students with career counselors and online webinars on diversified topics in the future as well.

Our group fellows are motivated to pursue this project in the future as well and thinking to take it for a long term goal. We are very hopeful to complete our project with maximum results.



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