Pomodoro Technique To Overcome Delaying Tactics
Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” — William Shakespeare.
There is a most common saying that “Time and Tide wait for none”. Time runs continuously without any stoppage and it never waits for anyone. So, managing time to complete the task is one of the most important tools. Every person wants to utilize his/her time effectively.
“Lost time is never found again.” — Benjamin Franklin.
To overcome the time management issue Amal Team assigns a project which is based on the Pomodoro technique.
Pomodoro technique is a time management method/technique use a timer to break down work into parts, commonly 25 minutes, separated by short breaks.
I planned to use this technique in completing my online course.
1. Choosing a Task: I choose four sections of online course-2 to complete by using this task.
2. Set Timer: Then I set a timer of 25 minutes.
3. Free from Distraction: Then I removed all distractions thing around me that can distract me. Also, turn off wifi on mobile and put on silent.
4. Working on the task:
(I) First-round, I started work from Toolkit#2. While working with full concentration but got distracted due to sudden electricity shutoff for a moment. I considered this as my first break.
(II) Second-round, I started again wherefrom I left. Soon distracted by a phone call from sister. It took about 3 minutes. Then I came back to work. At the end of the 2nd round completed till choosing the right template. On the timer ring, I took 3 minutes break.
(III) Third-round, I started 3rd round wherefrom I left. This round amazing and complete without any distraction. At the end of this task, I took a 5 minutes break.
(IV)Fourth round, While doing the final touches section I get a little bored. Then I start using Instagram before going towards recap. I took 10 minutes break then back to the online course and complete online course-2.
Well, it was a good experience overall to use this technique. This technique not too difficult for me although I’m already doing long work but not aware of this technique before. It helps me to accomplish more than before by taking a break on a specific period. Yes, I’ll use this technique daily while doing lengthy work and try to improve my time management.
“It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” — Steve Jobs
Always understand the meaning of time and use it accordingly in a positive way to fulfill some purpose. We should try to learn the importance of time. Spend time wisely to become more productive and be a good investor with our time.