Reflection of Amal journey, Power of Visualization

Muhammad Abdal Mahmood
3 min readOct 17, 2020


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Amal Journey

‘’The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly without fear for a newer and richer experience.’’(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Recalling back to the Amal journey about 3 months ago time I have a lot of memories in my mind. From the time of the interview call to the final selection, orientation, starting weeks and now to end of the fellowship. Everything was interesting. I don’t know what I wrote and from where I took the start. Because there are many beautiful things.From the commencement to the end of the fellowship journey. Coming into fellowship was a new and different experience of my life. Learned from every member that is part of this amazing journey with us from online courses to interactive sessions, Interviews, and Megaprojects.

First two-week experience

When I began to reflect on the fellowship. I learned how to be positive in life and it working on me. I always feel positive vibes from my facilitators. That thing boosted me a lot that I never give up. Our first Pw was about to draw the Amal values on any object or chart or card. I made it on a chart with many hours of struggle and time. It made me excited on that day. It reminds me of Amal’s values. These were the values that made me committed to new learning at that time. These values play a vital role in our life. Without these we are nothing.

Amal values

In the starting days of Amal fellowship, I had no idea how much I learned from this three-month program. I even not realized how many beautiful-hearted people I got from this new path. Let’s went into the depth that what I learned from the two weeks was Amal values that were Honesty, Responsibility, Growth, Humility, and Acceptance. I followed in my life before this but after joining I realized I need to work on it. I will adopt it during this period. By staying with positive people I felt little changes in myself during this period gradually. I also worked on my goals, life map, and sketched Amal values that reminded me of these values after fellowship.

I learned from Amal values and my commitment to Amal was getting more after learning these values. I have also learned from the life maps of other fellows. I came to realize that no one who has an ideal life everyone is suffering from many difficulties in one way or another way. I wrote my first blog on five acts of kindness with a lot of time and energy as I have no experience in writing blogs before joining Amal. I just love to write blogs during the whole fellowship. I learned how to show gratitude, humility to other people. How to create lollipop moments for your loved ones. How to motivate and encourage other souls.

Discover Yourself

I felt a positive change in myself. I am a person who now knows my smart goals, knows the why behind goals, developed a growth mindset, and know-how to manage things. In a nutshell, I got the direction for my future and this change will definitely impact my life. Also, I have a keen interest in showing these abilities of mine soon.



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