Taking Flight: Last Session

Muhammad Abdal Mahmood
3 min readOct 24, 2020


Everything which is started has its ending one day. But the point is that how we made this journey, what we sought from it while ending this journey with the unforgettable memories to start a new one as “Every end is a new beginning”.

In my journey, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and lockdown then I started my new journey with Amal Academy. The point is, how we made this adventure, what we needed from it to finish this journey with the unforgettable memories of starting a new one.

On the day of the last session, we didn’t have any regular session but our views and sharing experience about this program. Everyone was being a bit sentimental as the program was being completed. All the time we spent together, the fun we had, the activities and projects we did, and the memories we made were turning us to be emotional.

In the last session, the Amal team come up with an interesting game to make the last session more memorable and interesting. All fellows were divided into 2 teams, Team A & Team B and we played a game called “Scavenger Hunt”. The most beautiful thing was to solve the hunt as a team. We use the skills that we learn through the Amal Fellowship.

In this game, we were given 25 riddle questions with a time limit, and the team with the most to solve in time wins. We Team-A solved 18/25 and we won.

One of the answers to the riddle that I solved is the mirror. So, I took an image, and we as a group of fellows uploaded images on Google Photos.

Amal gifted us with great friends and we connected with each other on WhatsApp and also we’ll connect on other social media platforms as well. Hope to remain in touch with everyone and help each other whenever needed.

During the fellowship, I learned a lot about personal and professional development and always keep it in mind whenever there is a task to do.

At the very end, Sir and Ma’am share some important and life-hack tips with us for future growth, for becoming successful in our respected fields professionally, and to achieve our goals deftly. With an online zoom meeting group-photo, the session was completed and so did our fellowship program to start a new journey and utilize what we learned.

Amal Family… ❤️



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